
Worship at Cross of Glory

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church 5472 Adams Street, Mounds View, MN, United States

Now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation! Now we are in the storm, the boat almost swamped; but Jesus is here now, and when we call him, he will calm the storm. Even the wind and waves listen to him as they would to their creator. We also listen to him and are called to believe in the power of God’s word in him, a power greater than all that we fear. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am as we worship from Cross of Glory Lutheran Church (5472 Adams Street, Mounds View) or join us via live stream by clicking the image above. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12MCk8Aimi3-6Pxn01IuTW7--uuQg6w0E/view?usp=drive_link

Worship with Cristo Rey

Atonement Lutheran Church 1980 Silver Lake Road NW, New Brighton, MN, United States

Ahora es el momento aceptable; ¡Ahora es el día de la salvación! Ahora estamos en la tormenta, el barco casi se hunde; pero Jesús está aquí ahora, y cuando lo llamemos, él calmará la tormenta. Hasta el viento y las olas le escuchan como a su creador. Nosotros también lo escuchamos y estamos llamados a creer en el poder de la palabra de Dios en él, un poder mayor que todo lo que tememos. Únase a nosotros este domingo a las 9:30 a. m. mientras adoramos desde la Iglesia Luterana Cross of Glory (5472 Adams Street, Mounds View) o únase a nosotros a través de una transmisión en vivo haciendo clic en la imagen a continuación.

Worship at Cross of Glory

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church 5472 Adams Street, Mounds View, MN, United States

A woman finds healing by touching Jesus’ cloak, and a girl is restored to life when he takes her by the hand. In both cases a boundary is crossed: in Jesus’ time the hemorrhaging woman was considered ritually unclean, polluting others by her touch, and anyone who touched a corpse also became unclean. In Mark’s gospel Jesus breaks down barriers, from his first meal at a tax collector’s house to his last breath on the cross as the temple curtain is torn in two. We dare to touch Jesus in our “uncleanness” and to live as a community that defines no one as an outsider. Join us this Sunday at 9:30am as we worship from Cross of Glory Lutheran Church (5472 Adams Street, Mounds View) or join us via live stream by clicking the image above. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GIt8GDHYebmKe47f2cE7TXFCTA4pgtkt/view?usp=drive_link