
Worship @ Cross of Glory

Jesus’ summary of the law in today’s gospel echoes our first reading from Leviticus. We are called not only to love God with heart, soul, and mind, but also to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is out of such deep care that Paul shares the gospel with the Thessalonian community. In the confession of sins, we acknowledge that we have not loved God, neighbor, and self; yet we gather to hear the word of forgiveness and to be strengthened by word and meal to be signs of God’s love and mercy in the world. Our service will be live-streamed from Cross of Glory Lutheran Church starting at 8:30 AM. Click on the image above to watch the live stream. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRALRYIz9sP41G5vBBLGW-LFSk0kh4cO/view?usp=drive_link