
Worship @ Cross of Glory

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church 5472 Adams Street, Mounds View

Christ’s presence in our midst in the wonder of the holy supper is cause for singing. The nearness of the God in prayer, in every circumstance, is cause for rejoicing. The coming of one “more powerful” than John, even with a winnowing fork in hand, is good news—and cause for exultation—for us who are being saved. Great joy is the tone for the third Sunday of Advent. Our service will be live streamed from Cross of Glory Lutheran Church starting at 8:30 AM. Click on the image above to watch the live stream. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vVMFvZ7wE380u7YO-NafdFaEjuqGh4k_/view?usp=drive_link      

Worship @ Atonement

Atonement Lutheran Church 1980 Silver Lake Road NW, New Brighton

Christ’s presence in our midst in the wonder of the holy supper is cause for singing. The nearness of the God in prayer, in every circumstance, is cause for rejoicing. The coming of one “more powerful” than John, even with a winnowing fork in hand, is good news—and cause for exultation—for us who are being saved. Great joy is the tone for the third Sunday of Advent. Our service will be live streamed from Cross of Glory Lutheran Church starting at 8:30 AM. Click on the image above to watch the live stream. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vVMFvZ7wE380u7YO-NafdFaEjuqGh4k_/view?usp=drive_link      

Worship with Cristo Rey

Atonement Lutheran Church 1980 Silver Lake Road NW, New Brighton

La presencia de Cristo en medio de nosotros en el prodigio de la santa cena es motivo de cántico. La cercanía de Dios en la oración, en toda circunstancia, es motivo de regocijo. La venida de uno “más poderoso” que Juan, incluso con un bieldo en la mano, es una buena noticia –y motivo de júbilo– para nosotros que estamos siendo salvados. Gran alegría es el tono del tercer domingo de Adviento. Únase a nosotros para nuestro culto que comienza a las 12:00 p. m. en la Iglesia Luterana Atonement (1980 Silver Lake Road New Brighton, MN 55112). ¡Todos son bienvenidos!