
Worship @ Cross of Glory

Cross of Glory Lutheran Church 5472 Adams Street, Mounds View

Blessings and curses abound on the sixth Sunday after Epiphany. We would do well to listen closely to whom the “blessed ares” and the “woe tos” are directed and to find our place in the crowd among those who desire to touch Jesus. The risen Christ stands among us in the mystery of the holy supper with an invitation to live in him, and offers power to heal us all. Our service will be live streamed from Atonement Lutheran Church starting at 10:45 AM. Click on the image above to watch the live stream. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sPktzraWYIoJoXN62achoii7ZqSbkRf/view?usp=drive_link

Worship @ Atonement

Blessings and curses abound on the sixth Sunday after Epiphany. We would do well to listen closely to whom the “blessed ares” and the “woe tos” are directed and to find our place in the crowd among those who desire to touch Jesus. The risen Christ stands among us in the mystery of the holy supper with an invitation to live in him, and offers power to heal us all. Our service will be live streamed from Atonement Lutheran Church starting at 10:45 AM. Click on the image above to watch the live stream. The bulletin for this service can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sPktzraWYIoJoXN62achoii7ZqSbkRf/view?usp=drive_link


worship begins at 11:30

Adoración con Cristo Rey

El sexto domingo después de la Epifanía abundan las bendiciones y las maldiciones. Haríamos bien en escuchar atentamente a quiénes se dirigen los “bienaventurados” y los “ayes” y en encontrar nuestro lugar entre la multitud que desea tocar a Jesús. El Cristo resucitado está entre nosotros en el misterio de la santa cena con una invitación a vivir en él y nos ofrece poder para sanarnos a todos. Únase a nosotros para nuestro culto que comienza a las 12:00 p. m. en la Iglesia Luterana Atonement (1980 Silver Lake Road New Brighton, MN 55112). ¡Todos son bienvenidos!