Social Justice Panel Event “What Does It Mean to Be A Welcoming Church”

Social Justice Panel Event Nov. 29th 6:30pm:  "What does it mean to be a welcoming church?" Join us November 29th, at 6:30pm at Atonement Lutheran in New Brighton for an exciting panel of speakers from a wide array of various perspectives to help us discover what it means to be a welcoming church.  In particular, we will be discussing welcoming individuals who have been historically marginalized or excluded from churches like our LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC neighbors.  There will be a time for the speakers to share about themselves and their perspectives as well as a question and answer time.  The event will be moderated by Karen Mills and questions will be submitted in writing during the event.  There will be food and drink provided at no cost following the event in our fellowship hall.  All are welcome and you are encouraged to bring friends and neighbors! This event is hosted by our Reconciling In Christ Task Force Committee.